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Newsletter Video, February 2020
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Natural, Conservative, Affordable Care that Patients Can Access Right Now Makes Sense.
If you know anyone that has tendinitis or a tendon problem that we can help, let them know.
Also, please share this on social media.
Heart Health Month
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Common Heart Attack Warning Signs from the American Heart Association
The signs and symptoms of a Brain Attack/Stroke
Newsletter Video Archive
The information in this video is intended for informational and educational purposes only and in no way should be taken to be the provision or practice of physical therapy, medical, or professional healthcare advice or services. The information should not be considered complete or exhaustive and should not be used for diagnostic or treatment purposes without first consulting with your physical therapist, occupational therapist, physician or other healthcare provider. The owners of this website accept no responsibility for the misuse of information contained within this website.